After Exact Sciences received their FDA approvals, Potter Lawson led the design team to produce the new Clinical Production labs at 650 Forward Drive. The 245,000 SF project included 100,000 sf of lab and production space, 46,000 of high bay warehouse, and 6,000 sf for administrative offices.
Potter Lawson, in collaboration with Flad as the lab designer, commenced design on the multi-phased project to meet their explosive growth. The first phase of the new Facility targeted an increase of their capacity to 5,000,000 samples.
This project included multiple technical labs: sample processing, apture lab, automation lab, hemoglobin lab, and Quartz (PRC) lab. The project also included a warehouse for consumables, an extensive loading dock, design to account for future automation of the sample processing lab, redundant mechanical (HVAC & cooler/freezer) and electrical (standby generator) systems, and office space.
The clinical processing lab is LEED Gold certified by U.S. Green Building Council. It’s the first newly constructed biotechnology lab in the state of Wisconsin to receive this certification.
“Please make sure your whole team knows how much your efforts were appreciated as we celebrate a major milestone today we couldn’t have done it without you.”
-Craig Weisensel, Exact Sciences